Blaine-Mars Hill US Route 1 Reconstruction

This project was a 1.6-mile full reconstruction road job with significant drainage improvements. This $5 million project began in May 2018 with crews installing 53 catch basins, 7 drain manholes and over 3 miles of underdrain/storm drain. Soderberg Construction worked with Stoneage Stoneworks to install 3,600 square feet of retaining walls as well. In 2019 the road crew placed 22,000 cubic yards of Type C for the new road base. New sidewalks, parking stalls, curbing, guard rails and signage was also installed. Dirigo Slipform placed 1,700 feet of granite curb and 8,500 feet of slipform curbing. Steelstone Industries placed roughly 9,500 tons of asphalt along the project.